Antibiotic Resistance: How To Protect Your Family

Antibiotic resistance is a very important phenomenon that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Here is what I’m doing to protect my family.

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This post is sponsored by Coleman Natural. All opinions are my own.

Antibiotic resistance is a very important phenomenon that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Here is what I’m doing to protect my family.

Antibiotic resistance is a very important major health crisis that isn’t talked about nearly enough. In a nut-shell, antibiotic resistance is when, due to the overuse of antibiotics, different types of bacteria develop the ability to ‘outsmart’ the antibiotics that were created to kill them. Treating these highly-evolved bacteria, or so-called “superbugs”, often requires doctors to go through their arsenal of antibiotics before finding effective drugs for treatment, if they can find it at all.

As a mom, once I learned about antibiotic resistance and just how large of a threat it is to my family’s health, I knew I wanted to take steps to ensure that my family and I are protected. Thankfully, I was able to attend an informative Zoom call with Dr. Lance Price of George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health in Washington, DC. He’s also the founding director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center. I was privileged to learn even more about antibiotic resistance and ways that I can do my part to combat it.

Screenshot from Zoom Call/ Presentation With Dr. Lance Price

I learned so much valuable information and it’s only right that I pay it forward. So, if this is your first time learning of antibiotic resistance or if you are looking for ways to protect your family from superbugs you’re in the right place!

As mentioned, the spread of superbugs has happened, in great part due to the widespread overuse and misuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics are being used even when they are not necessary, which is killing off bacteria that respond well to antibiotics and leaving the antibiotic resistant bacteria to reproduce and thrive.

Surprisingly, much of this misuse is happening in the production of animals for food.

Most large-scale meat producers feed antibiotics to their healthy food animals, simply to offset the effects of overcrowding and poor sanitation. 

By continually giving livestock antibiotics, these industries are promoting the growth of superbugs, or antibiotic resistant bacteria, that are in turn transported to people. These antibiotic resistant bacteria can spread in many ways, which include handling contaminated meat in the kitchen, eating produce or vegetables fertilized by contaminated manure, or playing in dirt or water polluted by food-animal waste.

We have to make choices that ensure that we are being better stewards of the antibiotics we have now so that they continue to be effective in the treatment of infections in the future. 


Purchase Meats from animals raised with “no antibiotics ever.”

One of the most impactful ways to protect your family from superbugs is to purchase meats that are sourced from farms that raise their animals without the use of antibiotics – ever!

Since many labels can be misleading, you want to look for labels that say “no antibiotics ever”, not just antibiotic-free. Or you can do it the easy way and choose Coleman Natural. Coleman Natural has found ways to naturally raise their animals and partner with farmers that never use antibiotics in their livestock raising practices. Other popular meat producers give their animals antibiotics as a way to combat infections that are typically caused by poor sanitation or overcrowding.

By buying Coleman Natural products, I can feel confident that I am being proactive in combating antibiotic resistance and feeding my family better overall. See where you can find Coleman Natural products near you here.

Practice Food Safety

Antibiotic resistance is a very important phenomenon that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Here is what I’m doing to protect my family.

Food safety is absolutely key in our efforts to protect our family. In addition to proper handwashing, preparing our foods correctly and ensuring that they are cooked to temperature are a few simple things that we can do to protect our families. Dr. Price also noted the importance of separating raw meats from other foods and refrigerating leftovers immediately. By practicing food safety, you can significantly lower the chances of you or your family contracting a foodborne illness and potentially contracting antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Only Use Antibiotics When Necessary

If you go to the doctor don’t ask for antibiotics and if prescribed antibiotics ask your doctor if they are really necessary.

Since antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, by taking them unnecessarily you increase your risk of being unable to fight off antibiotic resistant bacteria.  Deciding to only use antibiotics when they are needed can greatly reduce the risks associated with antibiotic resistance. 

There you have it!

Antibiotic resistance is a very important phenomenon that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Here is what I’m doing to protect my family.

The three ways that I have been doing my part to combat antibiotic resistance and protect my family from superbugs.

Remember, superbugs pose a significant threat to all of us – especially young children and the elderly. So, taking proactive steps to do your part to prevent antibiotic resistance protect your family is important. Be sure to check out where you can buy “no antibiotics ever” meat products, like Coleman Natural products, near you.

Visit Coleman Natural and to learn more.

This post is sponsored by Coleman Natural.

Antibiotic resistance is a very important phenomenon that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Here is what I’m doing to protect my family.

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