How To Safely Co-Sleep With Your Baby Ft. The DockATot
Sharing is caring! Facebook161 Pinterest205 Save I received the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock compliments of DockATot….
I received the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock compliments of DockATot. All Thoughts And Opinions Are My Own.
Considering cosleeping? Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure a safe cosleeping environment.
![If you're choosing to co-sleep or if you're on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it's that you must do it safely! Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren't placing your baby at risk!](
As a mom who has co-slept with both of her children, it’s safe to say that I’m a huge fan of co-sleeping.
Co-sleeping tends to get a pretty bad rap these days.
Yet, ironically, more and more parents are choosing to co-sleep with their babies.
Co-sleeping has many wonderful benefits such as:
+Increased Bonding
+Easier Feeding (steady milk supply)
+Helps Encourage A Regular Sleep Pattern
+More Sleep For Mom
If you’re choosing to co-sleep or if you’re on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it’s that you must do it safely!
Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren’t placing your baby at risk!
Watch The Temperature
When it comes to the temperature in your room, a good rule of thumb is that the cooler it is, the better!
Since most babies co-sleep right next to mom, mom’s body heat will cause baby’s temperature to rise.
While a small rise in body temperature isn’t cause for concern, the increase in body temperature coupled with a room that is too warm could cause baby to overheat.
So it’s best to play it safe and keep it cooler at night.
![If you're choosing to co-sleep or if you're on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it's that you must do it safely! Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren't placing your baby at risk!](
Dress Baby Appropriately
Since cooler temperatures are the way to go when co-sleeping, it’s important that baby is dressed appropriately.
It may be tempting to want to cover baby with a blanket, but that poses a significant suffocation risk.
Instead, dress baby in clothing that will keep them at optimal body temperature.
Onesies and footie pj’s are great options to dress baby in for sleep.
However, if you opt for the footie pj’s, be sure that the material isn’t too thick so that baby doesn’t overheat.
![If you're choosing to co-sleep or if you're on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it's that you must do it safely! Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren't placing your baby at risk!](
Utilize A Co-Sleeper
I didn’t use a cosleeper with my oldest son, but this time around we decided to try one out!
We received the Deluxe+ Dock from DockATot and have been blown away by the versatility, functionality and most importantly, safety of the co-sleeper.
The DockATot is the perfect option for a parent who is considering co-sleeping but isn’t comfortable with baby sleeping directly next to them in bed.
The DockATot has rounded, plush sides that create a cozy nook for baby to sleep comfortably in.
It’s breathable material is 100% cotton and provides the perfect micro-climate for baby.
I must say that the DockATot has been a game-changer for us in how we co-sleep.
I’m able to enjoy being close to baby while being assured that he is safe and sleeping soundly in his DockATot.
Not to mention that my arm no longer falls asleep since I’m able to sleep freely and not be overly conscious of him sleeping right next to me.
![If you're choosing to co-sleep or if you're on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it's that you must do it safely! Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren't placing your baby at risk!](
We received the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock which is intended for babies 0-8mos.
If your little ones are older, DockATot also creates a Grand Dock which is best suited for little ones 9-36 months.
It’s important to note that if you get a Deluxe+ Dock, it may seem as though your little one is already too big for the Dock.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the Dock is intended to provide a cozy sleep space for your little one.
So chances are, it’s just the right size!
The Deluxe+ Dock also has a buckle at the bottom to give your baby some extra legroom (the Grand Doc doesn’t come with a buckle)!
![If you're choosing to co-sleep or if you're on the fence, one thing is for certain, and it's that you must do it safely! Here are a couple of important tips that you should follow to ensure that you aren't placing your baby at risk!](
There you have it!
Safe co-sleeping has never been easier thanks to the DockATot!
Since using it, I’ve gotten twice the amount of sleep, and so has my 3mo old.
If you’re a seasoned co-sleeper, or if you’ve been wanting to try co-sleeping but were nervous about it being safe, the DockATot would be perfect for you!
Ready to get your hands on a Dock and start co-sleeping with your little one?
Get $10 off when your order your Dock by clicking here!
Do you already co-sleep?
If so, have you ever used a co-sleeper?
Let me know in the comments below!
![As a mom who has co-slept with both of her children, it’s safe to say that I’m a huge fan of co-sleeping. The DockATot has been a game changer for us in how we co-sleep. If you’re a seasoned co-sleeper, or if you’ve been wanting to try co-sleeping but were nervous about it being safe, the DockATot would be perfect for you!](
I enjoyed reading your post!!
I love co-sleeping with my children. (yes it still happens). My bond with my children is amazing. Just knowing your baby is safe next you definitely helps mom sleep better:) Great post.
Hey Mary! Yes, I totally agree! My two-year-old sometimes still gets in bed with us – but I love it! Soon they won’t want to sleep with us anymore so I’m soaking it all up! Thanks for reading!
I co-slept with all five of my children when they were babies up till a certain point, typically about two or three months. It was just easier to nurse them and for me to get some sleep during those first weeks after having a newborn baby. We didn’t have those Doc-a-tots then, but they sure would have helped out a lot!
Hey Kisha! Yay for co-sleeping! I co-slept with my first (probably for way too long) but now that I have the DockATot with my second, it has made all the difference. I’m glad I don’t have to stress about rolling over on him anymore. Thanks for reading!
The dockatot did not exist when my daughter was born but we did purchase a cosleeper which was helpful for me since I was breastfeeding and her room was upstairs.