In This Season III: Peace in The Midst of Chaos – How I’m Staying Calm During Covid-19

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Welcome to the third installment of my In This Season blog series! I never thought I’d even type the word quarantine here on the blog – let alone, actually be quarantined…but here we are.

Sharing is caring!

In This Season is an opportunity for me to be transparent about the highs and lows of life as a wife and mom. It’s my hope that my truths will encourage you and remind you that no matter what season you’re in, you have a purpose!

Welcome to the third installment of my In This Season blog series! I never thought I’d even type the word quarantine here on the blog – let alone, actually be quarantined…but here we are.

If you’re reading this then I’m sure you’d agree that the past few weeks have been, well, chaotic to say the least!

While I know this is a scary time for most,  to my surprise, I’ve been pretty calm (for the most part). I attribute this to the fact that since I’m a stay-at-home mom, the quarantine life isn’t too different from my everyday life. Except now, I’m not able to get out of the house as much as I’d like. 

While my blog is typically a place where I share my favorite motherhood tips, easy recipes, and other lifestyle content, during a time where many are anxious, stressed and even fearful, I want my blog to be a platform filled with positivity and hope. That said, I want to share 5 ways that I have been staying calm during the outbreak of Covid-19.

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Practicing Gratitude

I’ll be the first to admit that I underestimated how beneficial it is to intentionally and regularly practice gratitude. I’ve been using a gratitude journal that I got from one of my favorite bloggers and all-around Boss Mama’s, Mamie Pack

With this Global Health Emergency looming over our heads, I’ve been able to see now more than ever, just how important it is to take a step back and be grateful for everything that I have. 

Use A Relaxed Schedule

If you’re a mom or are friends with a mom on Facebook, then I’m sure that you probably have seen these little ‘quarantine schedules’ floating around on the internet. If you haven’t, the schedule is simply a ‘daily schedule’ template that moms can use while their kids are out of school.

Now, the schedule itself is innocent, and I’m sure the mom who created it was only trying to be helpful, however, I’ve seen a lot of moms stress themselves out trying to stick to a strict schedule since this whole quarantine situation began.

I learned early on in my SAHM journey that it’s perfectly okay to go with the flow! That said, most days, and especially now with the current state of events, I stick to what I like to call a ‘relaxed schedule’. With a ‘relaxed’ schedule, I have a general idea of the things that I would like to get done within certain periods of time, but I allow for a lot of flexibility within those time blocks.

This daily stay-at-home mom schedule from The Cinnamon Mom is a great example of this AND its printable!

Stick to 2-3 Daily Goals 

Another great way to stay productive while avoiding overwhelm is to stick to 2-3 daily goals. While it may be tempting to spend this extra time at home tackling all of those huge projects that you’ve been putting off, it’s also a sure-fire way to quickly become overwhelmed – and left with incomplete projects.

I try to set 2 or 3 ‘major’ goals/tasks that I’d like to accomplish throughout the day. My major daily goals typically revolve around chores around the house (laundry, cleaning, etc.) and different business tasks that I want to complete (photos, blog posts, etc.). Each day I pick two or three of the most important/timely goals and set out to complete those throughout the day. For the tasks that I don’t finish, I just roll them over to the next day.

Keeping my daily goals within this range helps me to end each day feeling accomplished, and by rolling incomplete tasks over to the next day, I don’t feel the anxiety that comes with not checking everything off of my to-do list.

Guard Your Heart

With the constant updates in the news and posts on social media, it can be easy to start feeling panicked and anxious. Although I’ve never been big on watching the news, the influx of information about Covid-19 is pretty unavoidable.

So one way I’ve been able to have peace during this season of chaos is to guard my heart against all of the sensationalism in the media right now. This means that I keep the news to a minimum (I watch once a day for major updates) and I am also very intentional about how I spend my time on social media. So lately my time spent on social media has consisted of looking up specific types of content (inspiring, positive, funny) and honestly, avoiding my main feed most of the time.

I know that this may seem extreme to some but I definitely believe doing this has played a major role in keeping my anxiety low and my spirits high.

Trust in God 

Finally, the most important thing that I have been doing to stay calm during this season has been remembering that no matter what is going on in the world today, God is in control.

This means that I have been spending a lot more time in the word (The Bible), worship songs have been on repeat, I’m praying A LOT more, and spending a good bit of my screentime on my phone reading devotionals and listening to sermons.

At the end of the day, my faith and trust are in Him and him alone. I’m telling y’all, the peace that comes with releasing your worry and putting your trust in Jesus is priceless!

There you have it!

5 ways that I’ve been staying calm during Covid-19. I hope that these tips have been helpful and I highly encourage you to check out the resources linked within this post.

I’m praying for all of my readers and I hope that soon we’ll all be on the other side of this. Until then, be sure to follow me over on Instagram for more positivity!

Stay safe, healthy, & stay home.

Until next time,


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  1. Widny Lherisson says:

    Hey girlll!!

    First time on your blog!
    Thank you for sharing your tips on remaining calm during this storm.


  2. Guarding your heart is so pivotal during this time, plus we must guard the hearts to the little lives in our care.

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