Fun Ice Cream Bowls

The older my boys get, the more independent they become. So in an effort to nurture their independence while also having a great time, we make fun recipes together. These fun Ice Cream Bowls have been their favorite thing to make lately. It’s the perfect refreshing sweet treat and it’s so fun to add our favorite toppings.

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One of my favorite activities to do with my boys is to make recipes and these fun Ice Cream Bowls are no exception. Ice cream is one of our favorite sweet treats to enjoy – especially in the summertime. It’s the perfect refreshing sweet treat on these hot summer days and it’s so fun to add our favorite toppings.

The older my boys get, the more independent they become. So in an effort to nurture their independence while also having a great time together, we make fun recipes together. Creating fun recipes is a great way to keep them engaged and let their creative juices flow. Not to mention, they are always so proud of what they create which in turn gives them more confidence to try their hand at new things.

I have to warn you though, as fun as these ice cream bowls are to make, things can definitely get a little messy. I’ve learned to always be prepared with NEW Sparkle® Tear-A-Square® paper towels. With more sheet size choices, clean-up is a breeze and you have control over how much paper towel you use for spills.

With the warmer weather here in the south, these fun ice cream bowls have been one of their favorite things to make. I personally love making them because as a mom, aside from scooping the ice cream, the rest is up to them. I simply provide the different toppings and they create their own ice cream masterpiece.

I think as parents we underestimate how fun it is for our little ones to help and do things themselves. I personally have learned that the more hands-on they can be, the more willing they are to try new things. Besides, what kid doesn’t love ice cream?

So if you find your little ones complaining of being ‘bored’ this summer, or if they simply need a way to cool down, these fun ice cream bowls are the perfect solution. Since ice cream is the main ingredient, prep is pretty simple.

Grab your favorite ice cream, some fun bowls, and a few toppings that you know your kiddos love. We went with classic toppings like sprinkles, chocolate chips, and chocolate syrup. But you definitely don’t have to stop there! Get creative and add fruit, cookies, nuts, candy, and anything else you and your kiddos would like to top your ice cream with.

In the midst of adding all of the toppings that their little hearts desire, sometimes (really most times) we have a few ice cream spills.

Remember when I mentioned that my little ones are becoming more and more independent, well this also applies to clean-up (a parent’s dream am I right?). With extra perforation added to each Sparkle® Tear-A-Square® paper towel, I’m able to choose between full, half, or new quarter-size sheets. This makes it easy for my boys to practice their independence and clean up spills on their own without the waste.

Once spills have been cleaned up, they can enjoy their fun ice cream bowls and be proud that they made it all by themselves and I can be glad that I made the bright choice with Sparkle®.

You can grab Sparkle® Tear-A-Square® paper towels here or at your local Walmart.

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