Finding The Joy In Being A Stay At Home Mom

Struggling to find joy in your daily routine? If so, keep reading to learn how you can discover the joy in being a stay-at-home mom.

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Contrary to popular belief, being a stay-at-home mom isn’t as glamorous as the media and society make it out to be.

You work 24/7 with no pay and many times, all while sleep-deprived.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s such a blessing to be able to stay home with my kids, but it can be taxing physically, emotionally, and especially mentally.

That’s why it’s so important to find balance as a stay-at-home mom.

So whether you just transitioned to being at home full-time or if you’ve stayed home for a while now but have been struggling to find joy in your daily routine, keep reading to learn how you can begin to enjoy being a stay-at-home mom.

Don’t neglect your morning routine

I struggled for the longest time when it came to sticking to a morning routine.

I was so sleep deprived that I just slept until my kids woke up.

However, I quickly learned that if I actually wanted to be in control of my day, I would have to wake up BEFORE my kids.

Once I started consistently waking up earlier, I finally started to implement a morning routine and my days changed dramatically – in a good way!

By having dedicated time to myself before the day starts, I’m able to sort through my thoughts, set goals, and spend some time in prayer.

By the time my boys wake up, my head is clear and I’m ready to tackle the day.

If you don’t have a morning routine, I highly encourage you to create one and stick to it.

To learn how to create your own morning routine, check out this post.

Find A Schedule & Stick To It

Ahh, yet another lesson that I had to learn the hard way.

See, before I had kids, I was totally a ‘go with the flow’ type of girl.

As you can imagine, ‘going with the flow’ with my kids meant that my days were all over the place.

I didn’t have a solid bed-time routine and I didn’t have any real control over my day.

Once that got old, I decided that creating a schedule and sticking to it would be the best way to add a little structure to my days.

I’ll admit, there was A LOT of trial and error in the beginning, and if I can be honest, there are still some days where our schedule falls by the wayside.

However, more days than not, we stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Having a schedule in place makes our day flow smoothly and even if we get a little off, it’s super easy to jump right back into the swing of things.

Since every family is different, there isn’t a such thing as a ‘perfect schedule’, but try adding a bit of structure into your day and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

Carve Out Time For Self Care

You might have noticed that the concept of self-care is becoming pretty popular.

And rightfully so!

As moms, it’s so easy to put everyone else’s needs in front of our own.

As a result, we’re tired, irritable, and we’re just missing that ‘spark’ that we used to have.

I must say though, self-care is more than reading a book or taking a bubble bath.

True self-care happens when you are intentional about taking the time to unplug and recharge. It’s doing whatever YOU need to do to feel physically, emotionally, and mentally at peace.

That said, self-care will look different for every mom.

For me personally, I like to engage in the activities and hobbies that I did before I became a mom.

It helps me get back in touch with Kermilia, the woman, and disconnect from Kermilia the wife/mom/daughter/sister/friend/ etc.

So if you’re guilty of putting everyone before you and not making time for yourself (as most of us are), it may be time to carve out some dedicated time for self-care.

Connect With Other Moms

One of the best things that I have done since becoming a mom was connecting with other moms.

During my first year of motherhood, I felt pretty isolated since we lived in a new state and my hubby worked super long hours.

After battling postpartum depression, I set out to find a community of women that I could relate to and simply do motherhood with.

Since none of my close friends were moms, I knew I’d have to step out of my comfort zone to make some mom friends.

Being the introvert that I am, I wasn’t about to walk up to some random mom at the park and start a conversation.

So I picked the next best place – church!

I joined a small group for moms at my church and it has seriously been the BEST!

There is nothing like having a place where you can feel understood when it comes to the unpredictable world of motherhood.

The support, encouragement, and knowledge from the moms in my group have been such a source of joy in my life.

So if you haven’t already, get you a community of women that will walk beside you and do life with you.

I promise that motherhood will be just that much sweeter because of it.

Treasure These Moments With Your Little Ones

Finally, if you REALLY want to enjoy being a stay-at-home mom, take a step back and cherish these moments with your little ones.

Before we know it, they’ll be off to college and we’ll be wondering where the time went.

So often we’re so busy trying to make sure that the house is clean or counting down the hours until bedtime (I can’t be the only one), that we miss out on precious moments that we won’t get back.

Trust me, I get it.

When the days are long and it seems like I’m living in a never-ending loop, I like to remind myself of what Ecclesiastes 3:1 says:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

You see, although many of our day to day tasks may seem repetitive & mundane, there is indeed purpose in this season of motherhood.

So on those long days when the house is a mess, the laundry is overflowing, and you’ve just about had it with the kids, take a step back and be choose to live in the moment.

There you have it!

These are the habits and practices that I’ve adopted that have helped me embrace and enjoy staying home with my boys full time.

It’s my hope that these tips help you discover the joy and fullness that comes with being a stay-at-home mom.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely still a struggle sometimes, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

How do you find joy as a stay-at-home mom?


Have you been struggling to find joy in your daily routine, keep reading to learn how you can discover the joy in being a stay-at-home mom. stay at home mom, stay at home mom jobs, stay at home moms happy, stay at home mom lonely, stay at home mom tips, stay at home mom motivation, Productive stay-at-home mom, #productivesahm #happyhome #howtobehappy #productivitytips #momhacks #happymoms

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  1. Really well said and great tips. Staying home is so hard and so worthwhile. Intention, attitude, and gratitude are key to happy moms and happy kids!

  2. This is so great! Morning routine is something I still struggle with. I work nights so sometimes I don’t get a lot of sleep and just stay in bed until the kids are awake. maybe need to do something different so I can get a handle on the day. Thanks for the tips!

  3. thediynuts says:

    I agree that it is so important to get up before your kids. My day is always a lot smoother if I do that!

  4. So agree with all you have here!! Small groups, prayer, getting up BEFORE the kids, routine. It’s a gold mine of tips for young moms. I’d love to know your specific routine for self-care! Once a week? Once a month? Is it different every time? Way to go mama!!

  5. Sonja- Too Much Character says:

    Fellow SAHM here who struggled with postpartum anxiety. My two are still little – almost 4 and 1 1/2. I need to start waking up earlier than my kiddos, but my son gets up at 6:30. Sigh… I too have found such connection with the moms at my church for our weekly gathering. Great suggestions for how to balance out the long days and find joy in the process!

  6. I am so desperately trying to be a stay at home mama with my baby on the way! I don’t think we will be able to financially afford it as my I am exactly half of our total income currently. But if we find a way to make it work, I am happy to have this article to reflect on to be able to keep myself together and from going crazy of course!

  7. Sherry Lee says:

    I love that self-care is part of this! I had completely neglected that aspect for way too long, but we are all truly better mothers when we take care of ourselves and make sure we have time to ourselves as well. Great post!

  8. There are some really great tips here! For me, thinking of little things about my kids that I am thankful for everyday I am at home with them is usually enough to help keep me sane. Being a SAHM is tough, but really, it’s one of the biggest blessings too! I love the positive tone of this article!

  9. I am not a stay at home mom, I work from 8-1 and then pick up the kids and have them for the rest of the day and I literally think that every SAHM is a superwoman! I have an 11 months old and a 3 year old and I am so sleep deprived that I usually wake up when the kids do but I really want to start a morning routine myself, maybe I should give it a go and see what happens!

  10. Modern Moms Club says:

    OMG! I can relate in so many ways! I think finding that morning routine is what I struggle with right now and you motivated me! Being a SAHM isn’t all glamourous unless your partner makes GREATTTT money. Although I am grateful and thankful I have my down days. Thanks for this!

  11. The biggest difference in my SAHM atmosphere was finding new friends. You said it all. We lived in a new place, and my longtime friends were in different stages of momhood or not at all a mom. Since I’m a huge introvert, I spent two years being totally miserable and isolated. My daughter didn’t have any friends, and that was so scary to me. I was looking at her golden third birthday last summer with no one really to invite, and I totally lost it. Bring on the mom guilt of failing their kid…but it was the breaking point I needed to get over myself and branch out. I joined a small group at church, and offered discounted house cleaning as long as the mom had kids my kid could play with. It changed my life. My daughter looks forward to spending time with kids every day, she’s learned SO MUCH from those kids that I would have never thought to show her, she has special needs friends and ethnically-different friends that she adores, and my cleaning time ends up being a social hour as I help a mom in her most intimate and embarrassing space, behind the scenes. Church girls gave us other couple friends in the area that we just simply didn’t have before. Create a life you love, don’t just wait for it.

  12. caitlinsbeautycloset says:

    Love this! Especially the carving out time for self care part! Being a sahm I’ve come to realize it’s ok to stop and do something for myself during the day. Some times it’s those moments of relaxing, making a really good cup of coffee, or doing something I enjoy for a few minutes that changes my whole outlook!

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