Five Simple Things I Do Everyday To Combat The ‘Quarantine Blues’

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Have a case of the quarantine blues? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Here are 5 Simple Things I Do every day to find joy and contentment during this time.

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Have a case of the quarantine blues? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. I’m sharing five simple things I do every day to find joy and contentment during this time.

Have a case of the quarantine blues? Don't worry, you aren't alone. Here are 5 Simple Things I Do every day to find joy and contentment during this time.

We’ve all been affected by this current Global Pandemic in our own unique way, but a couple of weeks ago I noticed that I was having more ‘bad’ days than not. As you can imagine, it slowly started to affect every aspect of my life.

I was irritable, unmotivated, and simply over it about 89% of the time. I eventually started referring to my seemingly neverending somber moods as a bad case of the ‘quarantine blues’.

Don’t get me wrong, we all are doing our best to trudge through these uncertain times in our world, but for me, some days were downright difficult.

With that in mind, and after yet another tearful breakdown (my 3rd one that week), I decided to intentionally shake the funk and make strides towards a better me. I came to terms with the fact that while we can be hopeful, there just isn’t a clear timetable as to when this global pandemic will come to an end.

So I gave myself an ultimatum.

I could continue to wallow in my sorrows, becoming more irritable with each passing day

– OR –

I could get intentional about doing things that I know would put me in a better headspace.

I chose the latter. While I do have peace and am not fearful during this time, I accepted the fact that this doesn’t mean that I won’t have a bad day every now and again. So I made the conscious decision to strive to do my best with each new day that God gives me.

So I’m sharing five simple things I started to implement into my daily routine to beat the quarantine blues.

Getting Outside (As Much As Possible)

This has been one of the most simple, yet most impactful things that I started incorporating into my daily routine. Since moving into our new home I’ve been taking advantage of our large front porch and I spend A LOT of time out there.

I also make it a point to get the kids out of the house as much as possible because let’s face it, this whole thing is pretty hard on the kiddos too! Some fresh air once a day, or in my case multiple times a day, can work wonders for your mood.

More (intentional) Screen Time For The Kids

I know I know. No screen time, blah blah blah.

Listen, screen time for my little ones has been a lifesaver for me on many, many occasions. That said, I don’t turn on the television or tablet and let them watch just anything. If my kids are watching television, you better believe it’s some type of educational programming. That isn’t to say that they don’t get to enjoy the occasional Disney show or movie though (besides, everyone has Disney+, right?).

The same goes for tablet time. There are so many toddler-friendly educational apps out there that can keep your little one occupied. Our favorites are ABCMouse, Endless Learning Academy, & Noggin.

Starting A New Hobby

My husband bought me a bass guitar for my birthday and I’ve been absolutely loving learning how to play. It has been such a good way for me to zone out and enjoy doing something I love – which is music.

That said, now is an amazing time to start a new hobby or pick up the old one that you started a while back. It’s so important, especially as moms, that we have something that we do just for us. Something that we can enjoy that isn’t associated with our spouse or our kids.

For me, that’s learning this bass guitar. For you that might be learning how to crochet, taking up calligraphy (there are apps for that), or even starting a blog! Whatever it is, be intentional about it and work on it as often as possible. The peace of mind is worth the effort.

Staying Active & Eating Healthy

This may seem like a no-brainer but if I’m being honest, I was doing the complete opposite once this quarantine started. I would eat any and everything at all hours of the day – especially at night. As a result, I’ve gained what I like to call the quarantine-15. Not to mention, I’ve been sluggish, experiencing breakouts, and simply not feeling my best.

Since starting my weight loss journey I quickly learned that no matter how much I may not want to get active or eat my veggies, I ALWAYS feel better when I do. So this week I started working out regularly and eating healthy again.

I’ll be honest, it’s been challenging since my body is still craving all the junk food and sugary snacks that I’ve been eating over the past month, but I’ve already noticed such a change in my mood and my overall attitude so I plan to keep it up. If you’ve been in a funk like me, simply getting active and eating more veggies can go a long way.

Have a case of the quarantine blues? Don't worry, you aren't alone. Here are 5 Simple Things I Do every day to find joy and contentment during this time.

Carving Out Time For Myself

THIS! This one thing has been essential for my sanity during this time.

With a husband that works a lot (so thankful he’s an essential worker during this time) and two active toddlers, it’s been tricky to find time for myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for hours and hours of time to myself (it’d be nice though haha). However, I do need the occasional 5 minutes of silence.

So I’ve started intentionally carving out little nooks of time where I can have a moment to myself. For example, I typically sit outside on the porch when my boys are having breakfast or lunch just to get a few moments of silence and fresh air (don’t worry, I can see them through the window).

Other times I may sit in my closet while they’re playing on the tablet just to have a moment (or to indulge in a healthy snack). It may not seem like much but these small moments help me maintain a clear head and as a result, I’m able to be more patient, more understanding, and more present with my family.

There you have it!

The five things that I’ve been doing to combat the quarantine blues. While these tips may seem trivial, they have been monumental in helping me keep an upbeat attitude and grateful heart during this time.

Have you had a case of the quarantine blues since this pandemic started? If so, I pray that God gives you peace during this storm going on in our world right now and I hope that these tips help you find joy and contentment during this time.


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