How To Reset Your Home For The New Year

The New Year is here and this is the best time to reset your home and give yourself a clean slate for the new year!

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The New Year is here and this is the best time to reset your home and give yourself a clean slate for the new year!

As my family has continued to grow, I’ve tried many different methods and techniques to complete a seasonal home refresh quarterly (when the seasons change). It typically takes a week or longer depending on how in depth I plan to clean/organize – but it’s totally worth it!

Doing a quarterly reset helps me to avoid collecting a ton of clutter and toys (SO.MANY.TOYS in this season of our lives) throughout the year and also just keeps things tidy and organized which has been a major game changer for me. I tend to do a more in depth home refresh for the new year and fall and I keep it simple during spring and summer.

Since we all celebrate birthdays in the spring and summer months, it’s more realistic for me to do a light refresh in those quarters versus the traditional spring cleaning. Not to mention, it’s been great with increased travel and more time spent spent in outdoor spaces. You can totally adopt this to what works for you and your family and once you find your sweet spot I promise it will be a game changer.

No matter how in depth your reset is, my strategy can definitely help you become more organized and efficient in your efforts! So if you want a method to create an effective, yet realistic way to refresh your home for the new year, keep reading.

Before we start our refresh, we want to create three (yes three) different lists:

A Master Checklist

This list should list out each area in your home that needs to be included in your refresh. This is a good step to decide on a time frame that you would like to complete your refresh in. Be sure to leave two days open for a catch-up day (more on this later).

+ Room Specific Checklist

The room specific list should specifically describe the areas that you want to focus on in that particular room. In addition, during this step it’s a good idea to assign a day to each room included in your refresh.

+ Daily To-Do List

The daily to-do list should consist of the specific tasks that need to be done in the designated room for that day.

So, for example…

+ My master list may include the bedroom, closet, kitchen, office, living room, and kids rooms.

+ My room specific list (lets use the kitchen for this example), would list each task I’d like to achieve in the kitchen. Let’s say I want to clean out my fridge, organize the pantry, and deep clean the oven.

+ Therefore, my daily to-do list will include the tasks that I need to complete in the kitchen on it’s designated day.

However, if for whatever reason I’m unable to complete each task, instead of pushing it to the next day, I move on according to the days and room that were initially set.

This is where the catch-up days come in. I designate at least one catch up day every week (depending on how in depth of a reset I plan to do. This makes it easy for me not to get stuck in one place and prolong my refresh longer than necessary.

You could also roll any incomplete tasks onto days that you complete a room quicker than you origionally planned.

I know this may sound overwhelming, and trust me, I was beyond overwhelmed initially but by doing my refresh in this systematic way I’m able to ensure that I complete each task without others being forgotten and overlooked. Not to mention, it always results in a peaceful, productive start to the New Year.

Now that I’ve shared my method for how I like to refresh my home, I want to share a few ideas on ways that you can refresh the most lived-in rooms in your home.


A few things that you can do to refresh your kitchen are:

-Clean Out Fridge 

-Organize Pantry

-Organize Pots/Pans

-Wipe Down all Surfaces and Appliances

-Deep Clean Dishwasher

-Deep Clean Stove/Oven

-Clean Microwave

-Frequently Used Appliances (coffee maker, toaster, etc.)

-Dispose of Trash

TMSAHM TIP: Start a grocery list of the foods that you need as you clean your fridge and pantry so that you can stock up at the beginning of the year.


.A few things that you can do to refresh your bathroom are:

-Deep Clean Bathroom (toilet, sink, tub, etc.)

-Throw out expired medication, makeup, etc.

-Wash Rugs/Towels

-Shower Curtain/Liner

-Clean Mirror

-Dispose of Trash

TMSAHM TIP: Take inventory of things that are running low (tissue, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) so that you can stock up at the beginning of the year


A few things that you can do to refresh your closet are:

-Donate clothes that you no longer wear

-Hang clothes in sections (coats, shirts, by color, etc.)

– Organize your shoes

-Add other storage solutions (hooks for belts, baskets for laundry, etc.)

-Dispose of Trash

TMSAHM TIP: You can also make a little extra money by selling your gently worn or used clothing on sites like Poshmark.


A few things that you can do to refresh your office are:

-Organize office supplies (pens, markers, etc.)

-Update calendar (add a new one if necessary)

-Clear Off Desk (aside from what is absolutely necessary)

-Dispose of Trash


A few things that you can do to refresh your bedrooms are:

-Change out bedding

-Vaccum/Sweep/Swiffer/Roomba (whatever floats your boat to clean the floors)

-Dust and Wipe Down Surfaces (& ceiling fan if applicable)

-For Kids Room: Donate toys that are no longer used (& are still good quality)

-Dispose of Trash


A few overlooked areas that can always use a refresh are::



-Ceiling Fans

-Vents (be sure to check your filter)

-Shower Heads


-Washing Machine

-Baseboards & Molding

-Couch Cushions

-General Dusting

-Changing light bulbs and batteries

-Garbage disposal

-Laundry Room

-Outdoor furniture

Remember, these are just suggestions and ways that you can start to refresh your home – always do what is best for your home and the season that you are in. 

I hope that this post has been helpful for you and that you are ready to take on your New Year reset head on!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to stick around because this mama has been busy implementing the same advice and methods that I’m sharing with you guys, and I can tell you first hand that it works!

Until then, have a very Happy New Year and I hope that 2022 is good to you! 


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