3 Ways To Take Learning Outdoors


If you are homeschooling this Fall or simply looking for different ways to keep your little ones entertained, here are three easy ways that you can take learning outdoors.

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Back To School is right around the corner and we’re taking our learning outside in partnership with our friends at Stonyfield® Organic. All opinions are my own.

Back to school definitely looks a little different this year. My oldest was looking forward to starting pre-k and I was looking forward to him having his first school experience. That said, as we enter this uncharted territory, we plan to make the most of it.

So, in addition to a little virtual learning and homeschooling, we’re also taking our learning outside.

Since my little ones are under the age of 5, I still have a lot of flexibility in their schedules so, to enhance our at-home learning, we’re going to spend a lot of time learning outdoors this Fall. If you are homeschooling this Fall or if you’re just looking for different ways to keep your little ones entertained, check out these 3 easy ways to take learning outdoors.

Play A Game

One of the easiest ways to take your learning outside is to play a game. Even the simplest game can be turned into a fun learning opportunity. Not only does it allow you to check ‘exercise’ off of your checklist for the day, but it also helps your little ones become excited about learning.

The key here is to get creative. A simple game of catch can be turned into a call out game hot potato style where your kids can list their favorite animals or practice their counting each time they catch the ball. It can also be an outdoor scavenger hunt where they find different objects that start with different letters of the alphabet.

No matter what you come up with, the more creative the better. Not to mention, after all that play, don’t forget the snacks. Anytime we’re playing outdoors, I make sure to pack a few Stonyfield Organic Kids Smoothies and Pouches for my boys. My oldest loves the Organic Very Berry Smoothies and my youngest is currently obsessed with their Strawberry Banana Pouches.

Stonyfield Organic Kids Smoothies and Pouches are my go-to snacks to grab whenever we are out and about. Stonyfield Organic pouches and smoothies are so portable that they make snacking a breeze no matter where we are.

Science Experiments

Science experiments are another great way to take your learning outdoors. Bottle rockets and volcanoes are a huge hit with my little ones and are super easy to make. Science experiments are a great way to introduce your little ones to STEAM learning early and encourage their curiosity about how different things interact.

 Since many science experiments can get messy, being outside is the best way to enjoy them. Whenever we do science experiments, we like to go to a large playing field. It provides all the space we need and did I mention that cleanup is a breeze?

Speaking of large playing fields, Stonyfield is on a mission to help protect families from pesticides with their StonyFIELDS #playfree Initiative. Stonyfield Organic is dedicated to helping communities and families to restrict pesticide usage and begin to manage our fields and backyards organically.

Story Time Outside

What could be better than curling up under a tree and reading a book with your little ones? This is one of my favorite ways to get out of the house and get a bit of fresh air. It’s also the perfect ‘wind down’ activity to do when your little ones aren’t quite ready to go home.

I simply pack their favorite book, a blanket, find a huge tree with good shade, and with the help of a few Stonyfield Organic Kids Smoothies and Pouches, we enjoy a peaceful story outside. 

Additionally, thanks to the delicious flavor, my little ones have no idea what a good choice they are. Not only are they organic, but they contain live and active cultures, and are also a great source of calcium for the boys.

There you have it!

Three easy ways to take learning outdoors and have a blast!

Outdoor learning encourages kids to be more hands-on and get excited about learning while doubling as a great way to spend more quality time as a family.

Before you start on your first outdoor activity, don’t forget to grab a few Stonyfield Organic pouches and smoothies so that your little ones have the perfect healthy, on-the-go snack!


This post was sponsored by our friends at Stonyfield® Organic. All opinions are my own.

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